
科罗拉多州的承诺 是一项始于2019年的经济援助计划,目的是确保科罗拉多大学的学生能像该州的旗舰公立大学一样负担得起. Made possible by the generous contributions of a handful of donors, we offer the following support to all newly admitted students from Colorado:



在我们的承诺中,赌博正规的十大网站的教育对于我们州调整后总收入低于250美元的家庭来说更加负担得起,000, 我们的经济援助计划不考虑家庭主要住所的房屋净值. C在科罗拉多州,拥有高于其典型收入水平的大量资产的家庭可能没有资格参加科罗拉多承诺, 但赌博正规的十大网站仍然致力于满足100%证明有资格获得基于需求的援助. A family's assets may include cash and savings, 投资, other real estate the family does not live in as their primary home, 以及其他资产. 每一名入学学生,只要在第一年及以后的年份证明有资格获得资助,就将在赌博正规的十大网站的四年时间里获得这一水平的资助.

学生 discuss the 科罗拉多州的承诺, 这是一项经济援助计划,旨在确保科罗拉多的学生能像州立旗舰公立大学一样负担得起CC.

We strongly encourage every prospective student from Colorado to complete our 净价计算器 to determine their eligibility for need based aid. Once you have received your calculation results, we encourage families to 向CC申请 and complete the full financial aid application. Once complete, a family can email financialaid@xt23z.com to receive confirmation of eligibility for 科罗拉多州的承诺. 被建议, 而净价格计算器在其估计中确实考虑了科罗拉多承诺, 在家庭拥有小企业或农场的情况下,估计可能不太准确, where parents are separated or divorced, or where a family's assets are not typical for their income level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Through the standard financial aid application process; there is no additional paperwork.

我们鼓励所有质疑其资格的科罗拉多州家庭完成完整的 净价计算器. Once you have received your calculation results, we encourage you to 向CC申请 and complete the full financial aid application. Once your financial aid application is complete, you may email financialaid@xt23z.com to receive confirmation of eligibility for 科罗拉多州的承诺.

While the 净价计算器 does account for 科罗拉多州的承诺 in its estimates, 在家庭拥有小企业或农场的情况下,估计可能不太准确, where parents are separated or divorced, or where a family's assets are not typical for their income level.

No. 科罗拉多大学 will not use primary home equity in our formula. 此外,学院在确定资产时不考虑退休账户.
绝对. We encourage all Colorado families to complete the full 净价计算器. Once you have received your calculation results, we encourage families to 向CC申请 and complete the full financial aid application. Once complete, a family can email financialaid@xt23z.com to receive confirmation of eligibility. 对于一般问题,我们鼓励您致电(719)389-6651或(800)2606-6458与我们的办公室联系. 您也可以给我们发电子邮件 financialaid@xt23z.com.
学生 must complete the financial aid application process each year. As long as the income and assets remain in the same range, Colorado families will continue to qualify for the 科罗拉多州的承诺.
是的. 科罗拉多大学 meets the full demonstrated need for all students. If your eligibility is higher than the 科罗拉多州的承诺, then your grant will be awarded at the higher level of either need or Colorado 承诺.
赌博正规的十大网站允许学生使用校外奖学金来支付他们的家庭捐款, leaving grant funding unchanged until the cost of attendance is met. 如果包括外部奖学金,学生可能会失去联邦贷款或基于联邦公式的勤工俭学的资格. 请注意,学生不能获得超过总出勤费用的资助, no matter the source of the funding.
科罗拉多州的家庭,如果其资产超过其收入水平的典型水平,可能不符合科罗拉多承诺的资格, 但赌博正规的十大网站仍然致力于满足100%的证明资格. A family's assets may include cash and savings, 投资, other real estate the family does not live in as their primary home, 以及其他资产. It will NOT include small businesses (under 100 employees), home equity on primary residence, 或者退休账户. 通常, 超过95%的年收入低于25万美元的申请者符合科罗拉多承诺.
Both parents will need to fill out the full 净价计算器 independently. Once you have received your calculation results, we encourage families to 向CC申请 and complete the full financial aid application. Once complete, a family can email financialaid@xt23z.com to receive confirmation of eligibility. While we will share overall eligibility information with the student and parent, 我们不会在家庭之间分享具体的父母收入或资产信息.
In the case of self-employed parents, 科罗拉多大学 also looks at cash flow, not simply taxable income. Once your full financial aid application is complete, the office will be able to assess this based on the forms submitted.
是的. 联邦和州的赠款用于满足科罗拉多的承诺,除了CC赠款和捐赠基金的捐赠,以支持承诺.
是的. You will be considered for both merit aid and the 科罗拉多州的承诺. You will receive the highest of the two, but not both. For more information about merit scholarships, please visit http://zxbrcn.xt23z.com/admission/for-students/scholarships-aid/index.html
绝对. We remain committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need for all students. 家庭 with significant assets or income over the threshold may still qualify. 所有寻求经济援助的学生必须完成完整的经济援助申请.
If you enter in Fall 2022 or later, 你的申请将在你入学的每一年被科罗拉多承诺考虑.
我们的收入限制是基于2021年1040年纳税申报表调整后的总收入. 学生 whose parents report between $0 and $60,000 will have no parental contribution toward direct costs of tuition, 费用, 住房, 和饮食. 学生 whose parents report between $60,001及$125,000 will have a parental contribution equal to room and board charges. 最后, families reporting between $125,001及250元,000名学生的父母捐款将等于或少于就读这所州立旗舰学校的费用. 家庭 who have adjusted gross income over $250,根据家庭的整体经济状况,将有资格获得基于需求的援助, 但不是科罗拉多誓言. No exceptions are made to the cut off for income.
学生 must complete the financial aid application process each year. 家庭 will have their full demonstrated eligibility met each year, though if the income and assets fluctuate greatly, the amount may differ based on the information submitted.
是的, 这项倡议是由捐助者资助的,旨在只支持有资格参加科罗拉多承诺倡议的家庭.
《赌博正规的十大网站》规定,父母的捐款将等于或低于在该州旗舰学校就读的费用. 我们不会根据其他机构提供的非需求奖励或优异奖励来协商我们的奖励.
调整后总收入是一个纳税期限,可以在2021年纳税申报表的第11行找到. This reflects your income after allowable deductions to your income.
此时,2022年秋季和未来总收入低于25万美元的申请人可能符合资格. 其他归国学生将继续根据他们每年完成的经济援助申请来满足他们的全部资格.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 10/01/2024